AERo-AOCE Professional LEARNING Grant
Deadline: February 28, 2019-Applications are now Under review
Please email us using the contact form below if you have any questions
The Association of Educational Researchers of Ontario (AERO) - L’Association Ontarienne des Chercheurs et Chercheuses en Éducation (AOCE) is proud to provide a Professional Learning Grant to support the ongoing professional learning of educational researchers by providing funds to attend a conference, workshop, or course.
These awards provide up to $500 to help offset the following expenses:
Applicants and recipients must:
Other consideration
The professional learning opportunity must not lead to an academic degree.
An application form must be completed, describing the professional learning opportunity and the estimated expenses for transportation, accommodation and registration or other associated fees to attend the event. The grant will cover costs for transportation, registration and/or fees, and accommodation up to $150 per night (including tax). Costs exceeding the amount of the grant will be covered by the applicant. This grant is not intended to support tuition costs for students enrolled in a formal post-secondary training program. Original receipts must be submitted.
Applications for AERO-AOCE’s Professional Learning Grant will be accepted twice a year, the deadlines for 2018-2019 are November 16, 2018 and February 28, 2019. One grant (up to $500 each) will be awarded at each deadline. Applications must be received by the AERO-AOCE Executive through the online submission form below on or before AERO-AOCE’s submission deadline. Decisions will be made within four weeks of the submission deadline. All applicants will be informed electronically shortly thereafter. Funds will be distributed to successful applicants once the report form and original receipts have been submitted.
Review and Decision Process
Applications are peer-reviewed by members of the AERO-AOCE Executive and AERO-AOCE’s Research and Resources Committee.
Key criteria include:
Recipients of AERO-AOCE’s Professional Learning Grant must submit the Reporting Form provided upon completion of the conference, course or workshop. The report covers:
These awards provide up to $500 to help offset the following expenses:
- Registration fees;
- Transportation by ground or air;
- Accommodation; and
- Other associated fees with professional learning participation (e.g., membership dues, poster printing).
Applicants and recipients must:
- Be an AERO-AOCE member in good standing.
- Be requesting support for an upcoming, future professional learning opportunity.
- Have approval from their supervisor to participate in the proposed professional learning opportunity.
- Demonstrate how they will apply the acquired knowledge or skills to their work in educational research.
- Not have received one of AERO-AOCE’s Professional Learning Grants within 5 years.
Other consideration
The professional learning opportunity must not lead to an academic degree.
An application form must be completed, describing the professional learning opportunity and the estimated expenses for transportation, accommodation and registration or other associated fees to attend the event. The grant will cover costs for transportation, registration and/or fees, and accommodation up to $150 per night (including tax). Costs exceeding the amount of the grant will be covered by the applicant. This grant is not intended to support tuition costs for students enrolled in a formal post-secondary training program. Original receipts must be submitted.
Applications for AERO-AOCE’s Professional Learning Grant will be accepted twice a year, the deadlines for 2018-2019 are November 16, 2018 and February 28, 2019. One grant (up to $500 each) will be awarded at each deadline. Applications must be received by the AERO-AOCE Executive through the online submission form below on or before AERO-AOCE’s submission deadline. Decisions will be made within four weeks of the submission deadline. All applicants will be informed electronically shortly thereafter. Funds will be distributed to successful applicants once the report form and original receipts have been submitted.
Review and Decision Process
Applications are peer-reviewed by members of the AERO-AOCE Executive and AERO-AOCE’s Research and Resources Committee.
Key criteria include:
- Professional learning goals of the educational activity
- The relevance to education research and the work of the applicant
- Intentions for sharing the knowledge/skills learned
Recipients of AERO-AOCE’s Professional Learning Grant must submit the Reporting Form provided upon completion of the conference, course or workshop. The report covers:
- Feedback on the conference, workshop or course.
- The extent to which educational goals were achieved.
- Top three learnings.
- An explanation of how and when new knowledge or skills will be applied.
- New perspectives and/or contacts developed as a result of the experience.